Note: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) evaluate the success of the Church in achieving its objectives.
Objective 1
Mission KPI 1.1
Increased number of church members participating in both personal and public evangelistic outreach initiatives with a goal of Total Member Involvement (TMI).
Mission KPI 1.2
Frontline missionaries speak at major camp meetings and at other large church gatherings.
Mission KPI 1.3
Each division holds annual mission rallies for church members, involving local administrators; GC officers, departmental directors and associate directors; officers and departmental directors from other divisions; and frontline workers from both their own and other divisions.
Mission KPI 1.4
Create and make available age-appropriate mission-focused morning devotional books aimed at each grade level of elementary education.
Mission KPI 1.5
GC Education, Children’s Ministries, Health Ministries, Youth Ministries, and Office of Adventist Mission collaborate in producing readings on mission for Adventist children and teenagers, made available in print, braille, audiobooks, and digital media, as appropriate and as budgets allow.
Mission KPI 1.6
GC-funded periodicals include at least one story from the 10/40 Window or large urban areas in every issue.
Mission KPI 1.7
Improved retention rates of audited membership globally.
Objective 2
To strengthen and diversify Adventist outreach in large cities, across the 10/40 Window, among unreached and under-reached people groups, and to non-Christian religions.
Mission KPI 2.1
A worshipping group is established in each country of the 10/40 Window where there currently is no Seventh-day Adventist presence.
Mission KPI 2.2
Each conference, mission, and region in the 10/40 Window achieves a demonstrable increase in the number of new believers.
Mission KPI 2.3
Demonstrable increase in total members and congregations in all urban areas of one million people or more.
Mission KPI 2.4
At least one Center of Influence operates in each urban area of one million people or more.
Mission KPI 2.5
GC departments facilitate, initiate, and liaise between interdivisional mission projects, with active support from division and union officers.
Mission KPI 2.6
Each division, with the assistance of the Office of Adventist Mission, identifies and acknowledges all major unreached or under-reached majority populations in evangelized countries in their territories, and reports annually to the Global Mission Issues Committee on efforts to reach them.
Mission KPI 2.7
Each division identifies all significant immigrant/refugee populations in their territories, has initiatives in place to reach them, and reports annually to the Global Mission Issues Committee on progress in reaching them.
Mission KPI 2.8
Each GC department has programs in place responding to global trends in immigration.
Mission KPI 2.9
Each conference and mission outside the 10/40 Window has a five-year plan to achieve a measurable and significant increase (e.g., 30% over five years) in the number of newly planted worshipping groups.
Mission KPI 2.10
Each conference and mission has a five-year plan to increase the number of Adventist primary and secondary schools.
Mission KPI 2.11
Division presidents report regularly to the GC Executive Committee on progress in achieving KPIs relating to Objective no. 2.
Objective 3
To make developing resources for mission to non-Christian religions and belief systems a high priority.
Mission KPI 3.1
Each division, in cooperation with its organizational units and with the assistance of the Global Mission Centers and GC Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, undertakes interfaith dialogs.
Mission KPI 3.2
Global Mission Center directors present progress reports on dialogs to the 2023 and 2025 meetings of the Global Mission Issues Committee.
Mission KPI 3.3
Global Mission Centers report yearly to Annual Council on approaches to, and progress in, reaching world religions and belief systems.
Objective 4
To strengthen Seventh-day Adventist institutions in upholding freedom, wholistic health, and hope through Jesus, and restoring in people the image of God.
Mission KPI 4.1
Mission initiatives in the 10/40 Window and large urban areas receive assistance from institutions elsewhere in the world.
Mission KPI 4.2
Adventist tertiary institutions increase the proportion of missiologists teaching mission, all of whom are faithful to biblical missional principles, Adventist educated, and endorsed by IBMTE.
Mission KPI 4.3
Each institution reports to its board or governing committee on how it will achieve selected objectives and KPIs of the I Will Go plan.