
Leadership KPI 10.4

Divisions annually report progress in achieving the objectives and KPIs of the I Will Go plan: both via an online form, with standardized summative information, and by a presentation at each Annual Council.

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Leadership KPI 10.2

An orientation process for officers and executive committee members of all units of denominational structure is developed and widely implemented.

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Leadership KPI 10.1

Widespread adoption of approved membership software to enhance accuracy and accountability of records of local church membership.

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Leadership KPI 9.7

Each division has a Stewardship Ministries director who has no other responsibilities in his/her portfolio.

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Leadership KPI 9.6

GC Stewardship Ministries, in consultation with division counterparts, develops and implements a well-defined strategy for achieving increases in tithe and offerings in each organizational unit that reflect changes in membership and inflation.

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Leadership KPI 9.3

Increased proportion of international service personnel, volunteers, and Global Mission pioneers serving in the 10/40 Window, in large urban areas, and among unreached people groups.

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Leadership KPI 9.1

Every organization systematically reviews and aligns resources in light of the worldwide mission priorities.

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Leadership KPI 8.3

Opportunities are given to frontline workers to deepen their passion for and broaden their experience of mission.

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Leadership KPI 8.1

Evidence that most pastors and teachers feel supported by church members and by conference administrators, continue to feel called to ministry, and are engaging in continuing education and development.

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Mission KPI 3.1

Each division, in cooperation with its organizational units and with the assistance of the Global Mission Centers and GC Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, undertakes interfaith dialogs.

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